Instability Robs You of Things

Daily writing prompt
Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it?

I was born and have lived in the USA all of my life. But still, I had an unstable life.

When I was 13, I had lived in 14 different addresses. Then, I became homeless for about 3 months as my birth mother shifted my siblings and I to different relatives and friends before my sister and I were able to get help from Social Services.

I had lived at 32 addresses by the time I was 18. I have lived in about four different states: NY, IL, WI, NM and am now in Illinois by the Wisconsin border. I have now lived in 48 addresses. I am happy to say that when I was raising my kids, we only lived in 2 addresses that they remember. That was important to me, to give them stability that I never had.

So, there are no items that I could get attached to before I had to let them go. But, I also had so many good fresh starts! No one remembers embarrassing things from your earlier years because you’re always the new kid in the class, neighborhood, or town. You get to learn what’s fun from those who tested it all, OR you can show them a new way of fun that used to be boring for you in the last town.

There’s always two parts to any experience, that balances things around.

13 thoughts on “Instability Robs You of Things

  1. Sooo many houses at such a young age, Churchmousie. I can’t believe you’re the kind, sweet, creative, SUPER POSITIVE person you are now when I read about your past 😦 moving house takes so much out of anyone – you’ve done it over 30 times! As you’ve said, it’s made you very resilient and has given you lots of knowledge on fun things other kids might not yet have discovered and a chance to ‘start over’ at new schools if the last one was not a good experience. I’m so proud of you and how sweet and happy you are. Sending you a big hug xx

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  2. I was attached to a little stuffed lamb. But when I was in first grade, I had my mother wash it and I donated it to church to be sent to an orphanage somewhere in Africa. I’ve only gotten attached to things since I’ve been married and now I’m doing what my sister calls the “art of subtraction”!

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