My Mission in Life is Simple

Daily writing prompt
What is your mission?

I was a true rage queen in my younger years. It was the way I saw women in my life found the power to be heard, obeyed, and seen as significant. I was wrong. Very wrong. I only made myself unsafe for other people, including the ones I loved and valued the most.

So, my mission is to make amends for my past mistakes of unkindness, cruelty, and harshness. I know how to explain why others aren’t able to make changes the same way: fear. What else can they do instead?

It’s not just mere anger that prompted my rage, but also my inability to define my feelings. It was easier to rage than to admit I was scared, hurt (who ME? Vulnerable?!?), disappointed, or even selfish (gasp!).

What’s really great is that I LIKE being kind, vulnerable, and living my real life now. I was able to work on a program to stop being codependent and start being free and healthy. To make sure that I am accountable, but unwilling to be deterred from being Creation Dodi that God made me to be.

It’s much simpler once I understood what was right to do, and how to do it.

It was NOT easy, at first, I won’t lie.

TOTALLY worth the work, though. TOTALLY.

7 thoughts on “My Mission in Life is Simple

    • It’s really hard, when it’s all foreign to what I thought was “normal”. But when you begin to see how much your life begins to be easier and happier, it’s really rewarding. Getting my beloveds convinced that they could trust me took some time, because I was responsible for a lot of hurt that they were still living out. We’re all doing much better now. When you see that kind of reward, it’s incentive to stay the course.

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  1. I suppose my mission is to be Christ to others. If that means feeding the hungry and clothing the naked – fine. I’ll do it. If it means being a safe place for others I’m willing. The hardest challenge is to forgive – not when someone hurts me, no. The difficulty is when someone hurts my friends and family…

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