Boisterous Days Drain

I loved having my home decorated for the Christmas holidays, and this year was one of the best, since it wasn’t so new. I could follow the decisions made in the past two Christmas seasons that I enjoyed in my home before this past Christmas. It made things easier for me.

Once the new year was a week into being real, I began having my Grandson over for Friday evenings until Saturday afternoon/evening three weekends each month. His father used to work on Saturdays with his job, and my grandson got used to spending his Friday nights here. So he (to my great joy) wants to keep coming. This allows Dad to have some time to get fun plans developed for their weekend together.

The weekend between Dad’s weekends are usually Mom’s. However, she works for a tax company and works on Saturdays every tax season (from January to April 15th) for the past few years. She’s not a tax preparer but the office manager, so she’s working with the customers, supplies, and phones. This means that I get to visit him at his Mom’s home one weekend each month, and his other grandparents get him the other weekend each tax month, and I like that.

This year I am feeling my age more and more and I’m grateful that he’s 9 years old and can do most things on his own. It’s the stairs that get me, since I don’t have any at home. I don’t mind the extra exercise, but I end up recovering the next day, for sure.

This year I celebrated 10 years with my job, and my leadership did a number of things to help me celebrate that wonderful milestone. I also got a wonderful review from my manager that really had me feeling “seen”. He noted things as significant in my performance that I hadn’t noted in my part of my annual review. It was touching and just made me feel appreciated. I really enjoy my job, and I’m glad it shows. I keep learning new things, and that’s one of the biggest reasons I enjoy it so much.

One of my milestones this year is my 70th birthday! How odd it seems to me to say that I am getting to that age in so many ways. In other ways, I know there’s no overlooking it. I am sometimes tired enough to take an evening nap after a stressful day of work. I love that I have all white hair, though! Heredity makes me smile about that, as neither of my full sisters got that gene from my mother as I did.

The birthday party will take place in late June, and I’ll include pictures after it if they please me (vanity – I haz it).

So, I haven’t been very active in WordPress lately, and I apologize for that. I have been bad about reading your posts as much as I have been bad about posting. I’m almost recovered, though, and I will do my best to resume my blog time fun!

Zooming with my sisters last weekend

I am preparing to shift from full time to part time next year, now that “the big software update” has happened. This year we’ll find all of the things that didn’t transition well, and keep our pace with the things that were not involved with that as much as other things my team does. So, when I transition out of the team (or stay with them for part time – we’ll see), it won’t be so jarring for those left to do it all. For now, we’re also rewriting all of the process documents with the new enhancements, so there’s a lot to do aside from the transitional corrections. I like being busy this way – since I work from home it’s always a great environment to get things done.

I’ll be reading your posts more now – promise!

Road Trip of Memory

Bloganuary writing prompt
Think back on your most memorable road trip.

My husband was in Germany, courtesy of the US Army. I was 21, and I had a chance to work in a small town beyond Tucucari, NM. This is significant because it was 1975, and Route 66 was still mostly intact and it ran through Tucumcari, NM. I lived about an hour north of Chicago, so all I needed to do was to take the tollway through The City (that’s what we called Chicago), and then take Route 66 the rest of the way. I got to see more of my native country on that road trip than I’d ever seen before.

Being a military wife who was out of work, I had very little money and it was mostly used for gas to get where I was going. There were friends and a job in Logan, NM – my destination.

I amazed a few older folks for being willing to travel alone. They warned me of what to watch out for, and how to be prudent on the roadways. I listened, but I also felt very impervious to harm. I was stupid young, and casual about life’s adventures having consequences.

I didn’t even really understand the significance of the road I was traveling, and it’s legends. I think that was a good thing because I really didn’t have the means to make the trip more than it was.

The trip out to New Mexico wasn’t very adventurous. The return trip is a different story, but I’m gonna stop here for now.

Snackin Blogjanuary

Bloganuary writing prompt
What snack would you eat right now?

Oooo! I’m on a keto diet right now. But I’d have a hard time denying myself some creamy chocolate ice cream! I loved the Hashtag Chocolate flavor that used to be in my favorite grocery store, as it had fudge and caramel ripples in the creamiest chocolate ice cream. Heaven!

Business – Urnscapes

Bloganuary writing prompt
Come up with a crazy business idea.

I’ve had an idea that I would have liked to have encouraged someone else to do, more than myself. Here goes: I would love to see some options for funeral Urns to be displayed in more creative ways for funerals. Let them be rented for funerals, and then bought for urn display if the clients desire.

I have had children in my life who I knew and then they passed away. It’s awful, and heart wrenching. Some of the parents wanted something that showed their child’s best character points, like their love for sports, favorite cartoon character, or other interests. Not just the grim reminder of their passing. So perhaps race car scape for a small urn, or a family tree with small pictures of all of the family hanging on the branches with Granny’s urn beneath it, surrounded by picnic items.

Something like that. I had ideas for book lovers, folks who enjoy fishing, etc. But I’m not very artistically blessed. I struggle to make a floral bouquet look balanced. So, I’d need someone else to do the creative stuff.

Just an idea. How about it?

Instability Robs You of Things

Daily writing prompt
Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it?

I was born and have lived in the USA all of my life. But still, I had an unstable life.

When I was 13, I had lived in 14 different addresses. Then, I became homeless for about 3 months as my birth mother shifted my siblings and I to different relatives and friends before my sister and I were able to get help from Social Services.

I had lived at 32 addresses by the time I was 18. I have lived in about four different states: NY, IL, WI, NM and am now in Illinois by the Wisconsin border. I have now lived in 48 addresses. I am happy to say that when I was raising my kids, we only lived in 2 addresses that they remember. That was important to me, to give them stability that I never had.

So, there are no items that I could get attached to before I had to let them go. But, I also had so many good fresh starts! No one remembers embarrassing things from your earlier years because you’re always the new kid in the class, neighborhood, or town. You get to learn what’s fun from those who tested it all, OR you can show them a new way of fun that used to be boring for you in the last town.

There’s always two parts to any experience, that balances things around.

My Mission in Life is Simple

Daily writing prompt
What is your mission?

I was a true rage queen in my younger years. It was the way I saw women in my life found the power to be heard, obeyed, and seen as significant. I was wrong. Very wrong. I only made myself unsafe for other people, including the ones I loved and valued the most.

So, my mission is to make amends for my past mistakes of unkindness, cruelty, and harshness. I know how to explain why others aren’t able to make changes the same way: fear. What else can they do instead?

It’s not just mere anger that prompted my rage, but also my inability to define my feelings. It was easier to rage than to admit I was scared, hurt (who ME? Vulnerable?!?), disappointed, or even selfish (gasp!).

What’s really great is that I LIKE being kind, vulnerable, and living my real life now. I was able to work on a program to stop being codependent and start being free and healthy. To make sure that I am accountable, but unwilling to be deterred from being Creation Dodi that God made me to be.

It’s much simpler once I understood what was right to do, and how to do it.

It was NOT easy, at first, I won’t lie.

TOTALLY worth the work, though. TOTALLY.

Live Long and – What?

Daily writing prompt
What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life?
AZ Quotes

I like the idea of living a long life in some ways. In some others it seems almost horrific.

I don’t like the idea of living beyond the place where life is anguish of terminal illness. I also think that life when your reason leaves you is horrifying to me.

I guess I don’t want to do much more than living while it’s good, and I can enjoy the moment I am alive in.

Having said all of that, I trust God for my life. It might not be for much longer, but I know it will be long enough. I also trust God that my afterlife will be astounding!

What about you?

Behind, Forward or What?

Daily writing prompt
Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

I really had to think over this one. I have to say that I might enjoy warm memories when I am at rest, and I might make plans for the future so that I can prepare for them. However, I really do my best to stay in the present moment the most. It’s just the best way to manage my time and energy.

When I am at work, I have a lot to juggle and a triage to manage through the day. The work I do involves FAA approvals, so I have to pay attention to a number of variables very carefully. Mistakes can lead to significant fines – “for realz”! That means I have to stay present, but mindful of lessons learned from past mistakes.

When I am home, I have to consider what responsibilities are mine to do, and that might include social opportunities. That’s when it’s prudent to consider the future and provide for it with budgeting my energy as well as my money or other resources.

There are quiet times where I am struck with a memory. Not always something that applies to anything other than a sense of grief for a loss, a grin for a success, and a deep sense of gratitude for real surprises that still ring with amazement and awe.

I guess I’m saying that it’s good to revisit the past and to anticipate the hope of future things; but staying in the present is a good place to stay alert to.